About Grits & Grids®
Grits and Grids™ originated as a blog for the restaurant branding agency, Vigor. It started as a means to build inspiration and bring the awesome world of restaurant branding and design to creatives but was also meant to raise awareness around the power of restaurant branding for the foodservice industry. After years of blogging on the company’s blog, INVIGOR8, the content became more well-known and highly visited. The steady traffic kept the updates coming.
In early 2014 Vigor shifted INVIGOR8 to Grits + Grids relaunching with a more frequent update schedule. Now the site covers all forms of restaurant design, branding, marketing and thought leadership for our readership of designers, chefs, restaurant owners, and various other wanderers of the interwebs. Our mission: to showcase inspirational restaurant-related design to build awareness in both the restaurant and creative industries. Enjoy.