40 Personal Branding Quotes: By Dan Schawbel

These 40 quotes act as a great insiration to build your personal branding focus. Put into a company perspective, you can also find some usefulness for focussing your business brand as well. Enjoy and don’t forget to check out Dan’s site. Personal Branding Blog

  1. “Brand yourself for the career you want, not the job you have.”
  2. “By focusing entirely on your personal brand, you become unemployable.”
  3. “Create your own career, instead of letting your company do it for you.”
  4. “If you want to be known for everything, you’ll be known for nothing.”
  5. “When you have passion, expertise and a support system, you can do anything!”
  6. “Make your life one giant networking event.”
  7. “You have to be as committed to your personal brand as you are to your husband or wife.”
  8. “Just like content is king on the internet, your experience is king when it comes to getting a job.”
  9. “In order to succeed in the new world of work you MUST become the commander of your career.”
  10. “Be the real you because everyone else is taken and replicas don’t sell for as much.”
  11. “As technology rapidly changes, your personal brand remains constant.”
  12. “The best way to become successful is to make others successful first.”
  13. “What makes you weird, makes you unique and therefore makes you stand out.”
  14. “If you don’t know what you bring to the table, you don’t get a seat there.”
  15. “Life is one big pitch, so you better start practicing.”
  16. “Your blog is your space…completely yours to do with whatever you want.”
  17. “To succeed, you must be the best at what you do for a specific audience.”
  18. “The first opportunities are the hardest to obtain because everyone wants to view your past performance.”
  19. “You are the chief marketing officer for the brand called you, but what others say about your brand is more impactful than what you say about yourself.”
  20. “To secure your brand, spend more of your time networking outside of your company than within.”
  21. “It’s what you do that makes you who you are and how you project that to others that makes you memorable.”
  22. “When it comes to the web, you are judged solely on what is observable.”
  23. “Proficiency in social media is a differentiator now, but will soon be a qualifier.”
  24. “The goal of personal branding is to be recruited based on your brand, not applying for jobs.”
  25. “You won’t succeed in marketing a poor personal brand.”
  26. “When you brand yourself properly, the competition becomes irrelevant.”
  27. “Visibility creates opportunities.”
  28. “If a resume was the deciding factor in recruitment, there would never be a need for interviews.”
  29. “The divide between interviewing for a position and actually working at a company will close thanks to employer branding.”
  30. “Social media will expose people who have bad intentions and reward people who are trying to make a positive impact on the world.”
  31. “It’s not the size of your network, but how you use it.”
  32. “In order to be successful tomorrow, you must sacrifice today.”
  33. “Lead with your brand and let the compensation follow.”
  34. “Any new opportunity or experience can change your life.”
  35. “As professional and personal lives converge, those who are authentic and transparent will triumph.”
  36. “When you are passionate about your job, it becomes a hobby.”
  37. “The most successful networkers give value before receiving.”
  38. “The reciprocal nature of networking establishes a relationship instead of a one-night-stand.”
  39. “Passion is personal branding fuel.”
  40. “Your name and face carry your brand in both reality and virtual reality, such that wherever they are cited, your personal brand is at stake.”

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