Wendy’s is opening a four concepts to push the envelope of the brand and bring it out of the “Old fashioned hamburgers” era and into the now.

QSRWeb reports:

The new prototype is one of four conceptualized by Tesser, a branding and design firm based in San Francisco. It boasts a contemporary look inside and out, complemented by upgraded menu items such as premium salads, natural-cut, sea salt fries and Berry Frosty Parfaits. New menu options are also being trialed at the prototype stores, including Redhead Roasters proprietary coffee, smoothies and baked goods such as cookies and muffins.

The move is a good one. Out of the major three fast food chains, I think Wendy’s has survived by removing gimmicks and sticking to a fresher product. The food has always seemed to me to be of healthier, fresher and just better for the money spent. I mean, let’s face it, it’s fast food. It’s bad for you, but Wendy’s seems to not be as bad.

I think the new direction is impressive. It’s simple, quaint, but powerful. The design already looks like “Wendy’s” and the new menu items seem like a good move save the Red Headed Roasters coffee. I know McDonald’s has gone to the McCafe concept, but I question Wendy’s ability to compete with it. I question whether or not they even should. Sure, coffee is cheap and a moneymaker, but will anyone ever think: “Damn i need a cup of Wendy’s coffee?” probably not.

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