Cobel Rebranding by Pixelarte

Yesssss! It’s Friday again and we thought it would be a great way to start the weekend with some new beginnings and some inspiration to reinvent ourselves and our surroundings. That is what we love about rebranding projects, it’s all about taking something old and bringing up to the present. Brands are living things, and as people, sometimes they get stuck in time and have a hard time catching up with the present; in those cases, we could all use a little help from experts to help us become exactly what we want to be.
This is the case for Cobel, a restaurant and xarcutery in Valencia, Spain. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, they decided the brand needed a revamp. In collaboration with the design studio Pixelarte, they took the entire brand to the next level. The first thing the folks for Pixelarte did was elevate the brand and give it the right status it deserved, they created an insignia and a whole new brand identity that expanded to the whole universe of Cobel, their stationery, uniforms, packaging, and space.
We love when a studio doesn’t just settle down with doing the graphic elements of a brand but instead they decide to fully design the whole experience, showcasing a real understanding that a brand lives in all the pieces of the universe it exists in.
Cobel Rebranding by Pixelarte


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