Inspiration comes from anywhere, even indigenously. Oaxaca is a state in Mexico, recognized for its indigenous cultures — 16 in total that are officially recognized. That is one part of the inspiration for Somerville, Massachusetts’ The Painted Burro. The other parts for the mexican restaurant and tequila bar are the holiday Day of the Dead and Mexican street art. The result is a carnival-eque blend of the three elements. The painted donkey is an image that grabs you and it’s decorated in such a way that says “party”, helping provide a festive vibe to the restaurant. The design of the location itself carries on the same theme with splashes of color around an otherwise-neutral backdrop. It’s an interesting image and I’m certainly drawn to it, but I think it’s missing something. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it feels as if the decorated donkey is the achievement of the brand and while it’s nice to have a logo that is recognizable, I’d like to see a more well-rounded branding effort from ICS Creative.
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