I don’t have much background on this project as I can only find it on Estudio Altillo’s Behance page without a description, so I’m just winging it today folks. Galgo, as far as I can tell, is an upscale grill and bar. It features Victorian-looking pictures and illustrations, juxtaposed with bright red, modern typography. I love the various materials treatments of this brand; the spot glosses on the business cards, the shallow etching on the back of the menu, the sharp contrast of the red band on the menu, I could go on. The typography on the menu is rigidly structured and easy to read, without lacking interest. The copy options leave a little something to be desired as I’m not sure what they’re referencing. The matchbook copy translates to ‘Loyal Love’, and the menu to ‘Fiery Passion’. I’m sure there is something I’m missing here, but at first glance it seems arbitrary.
Galgo Branding, Print Design & Art Direction by Estudio Altillo.