Zito’s makes sandwiches. They’re about as traditional Italian American as it comes and they’re packed with ingredients and flavor. They’re the kind of sandwiches a neighborhood comes to love and take pride in. They’re the kind of sandwiches that define a heritage. Those are the kind of ideas Zito’s had when they opened their first Brooklyn shop and Tag Collective helped them shape a brand identity to match. The logo itself is strapping, a strong representation of what Zito’s represents: a place with a backbone, but one kind of like that crazy uncle that isn’t afraid to let his hair down and have some fun. The brand works well because it hits home on the heritage portion of the shop and keeps everything else about the design relatively simple and clean. Not a lot of fluff from Zito’s, what is expected from a Park Slop sandwich shop, but fresh enough to know they still care about the quality of everything they do.
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