Branding For Cupcake Revolutionaries

If someone creative somewhere were to put together a video game around the concept of a life-saving, crime-fighting cupcake, it might look something like the logo creation by Joshua Wills for cupcakery and cereal servers The Shoppe. Denver’s got a nice night life, but there’s always someone who thinks they can elbow their way into it and get customers excited. Cupcakes are a good way to do that and The Shoppe is giving all of Denver an alternative to whatever else they may be doing. Wills created the typeface by hand and it resembles Nintendo game typography, perfect for the vibe The Shoppe is seeking. The logo cupcake man was also drawn by hand and touched up digitally. Cupcakes are fun and therefore The Shoppe needed a fun, alternative image to make a mark in a competitive industry in Denver. Wills came through with a winning branding job for a determined group of cupcake enthusiasts.








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