Aviation-Themed Branding

I’m seeing more and more restaurants from around the world adopt American concepts and influences in their branding. Today’s example is a brand creation from Wondereight in 2010 in Qatar. Roger’s Diner has a larger, more-involved theme of aviation, but at its core it’s inspired by the themed American diner and it’s rather clever. All of the branding for this diner involves all things airplanes. From the name tags for servers to coffee cups, everything tells the story of planes, planes and planes. The wings show up on the logo and that theme is repeated around the project, including as a wing-shaped bar. The details have the potential to be a little over-the-top, but I think Wondereight has done a nice job toning down some of the potentially loud elements like black & white images of airmen. They’ve balanced the fun of this project and ensured it didn’t go into lame or kitschy, which it could have easily done.









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